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The Agência Municipal de Energia de Almada (AGENEAL) is a private, non-profit association whose aim is to help increasing energy efficiency and improving the use of renewable energies in the municipality of Almada, with the possibility of extending its activities to other regions.

The Núcleo Empresarial Região de Évora (NERE) is a non-profit business association whose aim is to promote the economic development of the Évora district by supporting and protecting the interests of its members' business activities and by promoting projects to improve the business environment.

The Agência Municipal de Energia do Seixal (AMESEIXAL) was created with the aim of promoting better use of energy in all sectors of activity, increase the use of renewable energy sources, protecting the environment and contributing to the sustainable development of the municipality.

A S. Energia is the Regional Energy Agency for the municipalities of Barreiro, Moita, Montijo and Alcochete. This is a private non-profit association whose mission is to promote energy efficiency, the use of renewable resources and the rational use of energy.

A S. Energia is the Regional Energy Agency for the municipalities of Barreiro, Moita, Montijo and Alcochete. This is a private non-profit association whose mission is to promote energy efficiency, the use of renewable resources and the rational use of energy.

The Agência de Energia e Ambiente de Lisboa is a private, non-profit association whose aim is to promote the sustainable development of Lisbon and its metropolitan area, in order to become a low-carbon city and less vulnerable to the effects of future climate change.

The Associação para a Qualificação Técnica do Setor Energético (AQTSE) is a private, non-profit association whose aim is to promote the employability, high performance and dignity of professionals in the energy sector.

ForestWISE aims at innovative multidisciplinary research and knowledge transfer in integrated forest and fire management, through the joint efforts of universities, public administration and industry, and was awarded the title of Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB) by FCT on 30 January 2018.

The Área Alto Minho - Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Alto Minho is a non-profit association whose mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of Alto Minho through the promotion of energy efficiency practices, the use of renewable energy sources and the preservation of environmental heritage.

The Centro de Inovação Empresarial da Beira Interior (CIEBI) was created with the aim of stimulating the creation and development of innovative companies, through its connection to the University and Polytechnic Institutes and to the interactive European Business Innovation Centres Network.

The Instituto Eletrotécnico Português (IEP) is a private company that provides services in a wide range of areas, such as inspection, testing, calibration, training and consultancy.

Energaia - Agência de Energia do Sul da Área Metropolitana do Porto is the centre of expertise and knowledge for Sustainable Energy and Energy Transition, and is responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans in its area of intervention.

AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto is a private non-profit association created with the mission of promoting innovation, good practices and examples to be followed by those responsible for municipal management and, in general, by all market players and citizens, contributing to sustainable development.

The Agency's aim is to help increase energy efficiency through the rational use and conservation of energy, and to improve the use of renewable energy resources.

The Núcleo Empresarial da Região de Beja (NERBE) was created with the aim of promoting the economic development of the Beja district, by supporting and defending the interests of its members' business activity and promoting projects to improve the business context and environment.

The Agência Regional de Energia do Centro e Baixo Alentejo (ARECBA)'s main areas of activity are energy efficiency and savings, as well as the promotion of renewable energies.

AREAL - Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Algarve is a non-profit association that aims to promote regional energy innovation by developing projects aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency and certification.

AREANATejo - Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Norte Alentejano e Tejo has a vision of contributing to energy efficiency and making better use of renewable resources and renewable energies, guaranteeing the development of the region.

The International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) aims to promote the knowledge and business skills of those in the electricity distribution community.

The International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) is a global community whose mission is to lead a worldwide program for the creation and sharing of knowledge in the field of energy.

The Agência Regional de Energia da Alta Estremadura (ENERDURA) covers the municipalities of Alvaiázere, Ansião, Batalha, Leiria, Marinha Grande, Ourém, Pombal and Porto de Mós. Its main objective is to help increase energy efficiency through the rational use of energy, by promoting awareness campaigns among public and private consumers, and also to promote the use of endogenous energy resources, encouraging the use of renewable energy sources.

The Agência Regional de Energia da Alta Estremadura (ENERAREA) aims to increase energy efficiency, through the rational use of energy and energy conservation, and to improving the use of renewable resources in Beira Interior. It covers the municipalities of Almeida, Belmonte, Celorico da Beira, Covilhã, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Fornos de Algodres, Fundão, Guarda, Manteigas, Meda, Penamacor, Pinhel, Sabugal and Trancoso.

IEEE is the largest technical and professional organisation dedicated to the advancement of technology and whose ultimate goal is the benefit of mankind.

The Médio Tejo21, the Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Médio Tejo e Pinhal Interior Sul’s mission is to contribute to sustainability and innovation in its region.

The ResearchGate is a professional network for scientists and researchers. More than 15 million members from all over the world use it to share, discover and debate research issues.

The Oeste Sustentável - Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Oeste, is a private non-profit association whose mission is to promote integrated actions that contribute to greater energy efficiency, the rational use of energy, and the use and promotion of renewable resources, in order to contribute to the sustainability of the Western Region at a local level, as well as to sustainable development at a global level.

EDSO for Smart Grids is an association that brings together Europe's leading electricity distribution operators to make smart grids a reality on the European continent.

The DLMS User Association is a non-profit organisation that develops, maintains, supports and promotes the DLMS/COSEM specification with regard to data processing for smart meters and smart energy storage.

The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) is a non-profit organisation that aims to ensure the security of Europe's smart grids and infrastructures.

The Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE) is the body responsible for regulating the natural gas, electricity and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sectors.

The Operador Logístico de Mudança de Comercializador (OLMC) manages the process of switching electricity and natural gas suppliers, promoting transparency in the electricity and natural gas markets and providing end consumers with easy access to the information to which they are entitled.

The IInstituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF) is a public institute whose mission is to propose, monitor and ensure the implementation of nature conservation and forestry policies, to foster protection, sustainable use, enhancement, enjoyment and public recognition of the natural heritage.

Quercus is an independent, non-partisan, nationwide, non-profit association made up of citizens who have come together around the same interest in the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and in the Protection of the Environment in general, with a view to sustainable development.

The Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (SPEA) is a non-profit environmental non-governmental organisation that promotes the study and conservation of birds and their habitats in Portugal.

The University of Évora's mission is to produce knowledge through scientific and artistic research, experimentation and technological and humanistic development.

BCSD Portugal - Conselho Empresarial para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável is a non-profit, public benefit association that brings together and represents companies that are actively committed to sustainability. The BCSD is an influential player in inspiring new, competitive, innovative, responsible, sustainable and inclusive business models.

The mission of the Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC) is to plan, coordinate and implement civil protection policy, namely in the prevention of and reaction to serious accidents and disasters, the protection and rescue of populations and the supervision of firefighters' activities, as well as to ensure the planning and coordination of national needs in the area of civil emergency planning, with a view to dealing with crisis or war situations.

Since 1994, the Business Continuity Institute has been the world's largest business continuity institute, and its mission is to help companies, organisations and communities become more resilient.

Cimbal is the acronym for Comunidades InterMunicipais do Baixo Alentejo, a regional public body based in Beja and made up of several municipalities in the Baixo Alentejo region. Its role is to promote the planning and management of the economic, social and environmental development strategy of the territory covered and also to coordinate municipal investments of inter-municipal interest.

The VERDE is an association created to promote the conservation and regeneration of nature.
It started in 2021 out of the need to create an independent body that could give substance and consolidate all the work carried out over this period of time. It is a non-profit association based in Lousada and is currently co-managing the Gigantes Verdes project together with Lousada City Council.

The MONTIS - Associação para a Gestão e Conservação da Natureza is a national non-profit environmental non-governmental organisation. Created on 23 March 2014, MONTIS is based in Vouzela, in the district of Viseu.
Its aim is to guarantee the development of natural processes, promote the conservation of native species, smart management of forest fires and other natural risks and increase the market value of biodiversity.