Pilot Project
Self-consumption energy sharing models

Therefore, according to Article 46 of the RAC, collective self-consumption (ACC) or renewable energy communities (CER) that are interested in joining these sharing models now must do so by participating in the pilot project.
To do so, they should send an e-mail to projetopiloto.autoconsumo@e-redes.pt with the following information:
- Information on the type of facilities that are part of the ACC or CER;
- Identification of the collective self-consumption management entity (EGAC);
- Sharing model to be tested (hierarchical or dynamic).
It should be noted that participation in the pilot project is only possible for ACCs and CERs duly licensed by DGEG.
Mar 2024
Partilha Hierárquica
Mar 2024
Partilha Dinâmica