Electricity Generation Regimes

Ordinary regime

The generation of electricity in Portugal is carried out in two ways: ordinary and special regime

  1. Over-equipment consists in the modification of the Electricity Generating Centre (CE) by increasing the installed power achieved through the installation of more generating equipment or inverters, up to a limit of 20% of the connection power assigned to the CE in the initial production licence.

    The initial connection power, with the Over-equipment, remains unchanged.

    The Over-equipment may be legally separated from the pre-existing Electricity Generating Centre, being registered in the pre-existing prior control title in the name of a legal entity different from the holder of the CE to be over-equipped and controlled by the latter.

  2. The Retrofitting of an Electricity Generating Centre (CE) consists in the total or partial replacement of the generating equipment of the renewable primary source CE, without changing the deployment polygon of the pre-existing CE.

    All renewable energy source CEs can be retrofitted.

    With the exception of hydroelectric plants with a connection power exceeding 10 MVA, the total retrofitting of the CE may increase its connection power, once only, up to a maximum of 20% of the connection power initially allocated.

  3. A hybrid is an electricity generating centre (CE) or a production unit for self-consumption (UPAC) which, in the prior control procedure, simultaneously presents more than one production entity that uses several primary sources of renewable energy.

    Hybridisation consists of the addition to the existing CE or UPAC of new production units that use a different primary source of renewable energy, without changing the injection capacity of the pre-existing CE or UPAC.

    Hybrids and hybridisation follow the prior control procedure, depending on whether it is greater than 1 MW or less than or equal to 1 MW.​

  4. A storage facility is a facility where energy is stored. It may be autonomous when it has a direct connection to the Public Service Electricity Supply Network (RESP) and is not associated with an electricity generating plant or a UPAC, excluding storage facilities that are part of the electrical installation of the user facility.

    The storage activity carried out autonomously is subject to the prior control procedure, depending on whether it exceeds 1 MW or is less than or equal to 1 MW.

  5. Additional Energy consists of the active energy resulting from the use of the additional power, excluding the energy from over-equipment, if any. Additional Power is understood as the difference between the installed power and the connection power.

    The Electricity Generating Centre's connection power remains unchanged, and the injection of additional energy is not prevented.

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Relevant documentation

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Regulamento (EU) 2016/631 da Comissão​
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Guia de Medição, Leitura e Disponibilização de Dados de Energia Elétrica​
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Regulamento de Relações Comerciais do Setor Elétrico​
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Manual de Ligações à Rede​
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Guia Técnico das Instalações de Produção Independente de Energia Elétrica​