Telecommunications Operators

We work with certified partners

We have built solid partnerships with telecommunications companies, making space and services available to authorised operators.

Learn how you can use low-voltage electricity distribution network infrastructure.
Telcos Postes
  1. Any company active in the electronic communications sector, authorised by the National Communications Authority - ANACOM.

  2. All Low Voltage overhead systems except those established on bare cables.

  3. Not always. The capacity of each pole is always dependent on the prior and specific evaluation of the network concerned. The network may be modified at the expense of the company which intends to use it. This work is contracted to companies duly accredited by E-REDES.

  4. In addition to the cost for annual use, the cost of the service for analysing the feasibility of each application must be borne. Telecommunication operators should also bear the cost of the post-installation final inspection by certification companies qualified by E-REDES for this purpose.

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E-REDES Operators