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The metering, counting and telemetering system is the responsibility of the producer, who must bear the cost associated with the production meter that measures the total electricity injected into the Public Service Electricity Network, as well as replace the GSM card when necessary.  

The metering system, consisting of the modem, GSM card and meter, must meet the technical requirements - interoperability, communications and security - defined by the respective Distribution System Operator (DSO). 

The GSM card that the Customer purchases must ensure the following requirements:

  • "Circuit Switch Data" communication which corresponds to the communication of data over voice.
  • Allow only reception of calls. It must not allow making calls.
  • Must not have an active PIN, i.e. SIM card without PIN.
  • M2M (Machine to Machine) type card.
  • Must allow OTA (Over The Air technology) and STK (SIM ToolKit) commands.
  • Must have at least 250MB capacity. 

If you replace the GSM card of the meter and want to perform a communications test on it, you can make this request through the Contact Us area, selecting "Self-consumption and Electric Mobility" and "Others". 

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