System Optimization

Create the conditions for a new generation of grid services able to fully harness demand response, storage and distributed generation, while creating fair, transparent and open conditions for the consumer.
Build a customer-centric approach to grid operation.
propose new markets, products and services to create a single IT architecture to support innovative platform aggregation mechanisms.
Launch a variety of initiatives, including a large-scale discussion forum within the international energy community.
Demonstrate the full concept in four group demonstrations.
E-REDES scope
E-REDES is the western demonstration leader and technical coordinator of the OneNet project.
As technical coordinator it has several responsibilities within OneNet, namely to certify that the technical objectives of the project are met, by monitoring the project methodology and ensuring the high quality of the results against state-of-the-art standards, and chairing the quality assessment group. Innovation is one of the pillars of the project, in which an integrated and interoperable architecture will be developed, thus having a strong technical component that must be aligned with best practices and the state of the art.
The Western Demonstrator – will operate in three different countries, enabling the implementation of a wide range of flexible mechanisms to meet the needs of both the Distribution System Operator (DSO) and Transmission System Operator (TSO), including coordination between market mechanisms and real-time planning and operation of networks. Among the main objectives to be achieved, increasing the integration of renewable energy and anticipating operating scenarios are relevant priorities.
In the Portuguese demonstration, use cases are being developed for the exchange of information related to Grid Flexibility and Grid Operational Planning between Distribution and Transmission System Operators.
During the month of July and August 2022, a questionnaire will be sent to some customers connected to medium voltage in order to elaborate a study that can estimate their available flexibility potential. The result of this study, as well as the remaining developments of the demonstration will be presented to these customers through the organization of a workshop.
Project ID
Led by: Fraunhofer | 70 partners & 18 countries | Funded under: H2020-EU.3.3.4. | Grant Agreement ID: 957739
Start date: October 2020
Finish date: September 2023
Budget: €27,900,418.75
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