
Collective self-consumption

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Coeficientes de Partilha

No âmbito do RAC em específico na Secção II, estão definidas as regras gerais da partilha da energia no autoconsumo coletivo. O artigo 29º em particular define a partilha de energia com coeficientes fixos. O modelo e o formato dos dados a comunicar pela EGAC para efeitos de constituição da estrutura fixa e dos modos de partilha a aplicar a cada participante encontram-se definidos no Autoconsumo Coletivo - Partilha Fixa.

Projeto-Piloto sobre os Modelos de partilha de energia em Autoconsumo

Está em curso o Projeto-Piloto onde estamos a estudar as partilhas de energia com coeficientes hierárquicos e dinâmicos.


The billing activity, with regard to access to the network (RESP), could be one of the following scenarios:

  • The energy consumed in the community's consumption facilities - produced by UPACs using the RESP - will be billed to EGAC.
  • Energy consumed in the community's consumption facilities - produced by UPACs without using RESP - is not invoiced.
  • The energy consumed in the community's consumption facilities - not produced by the UPAC but using RESP - will be billed to the Supplier.
  • EGAC is therefore responsible for paying the network operator the network access tariffs to be applied to self-consumption through RESP, as defined in the Collective Self-Consumption Regulation.
  • EGACs will be invoiced according to the calculations per Consumption Facility, taking into account the voltage level of the network to which the UPACs that supplied the energy consumed are connected, and invoices will be issued on a monthly basis and files will be sent with the respective details.


Contact Channels

To contact us about collective self-consumption, please contact