Promote resilience

We carry out ongoing improvement and generate more knowledge

A culture of resilience is built step by step, with the involvement of all employees and business partners through the sharing of best practices with counterparts, entities that manage and act in emergencies or participate in specialty forums.


The culture of resilience permeates the whole company. In addition to the exercises, we carry out numerous training and awareness initiatives for our employees. We highlight alignment with the increasing challenges of Crisis and Business Continuity Management Plan and the development of more skills and knowledge in the field of Organizational Resilience.

In 2018, three initiatives were highlighted, between workshops and training, that proactively reinforce our commitment to resilience:

- Business Continuity E-learning - integrates the basic training of new employees, within the scope of the Organizational Culture Program of the Distribution;

- Business Continuity Seminar "Operational Resilience in Crisis" - deepened the importance of developing psychological resilience skills;

- Transatlantic Workshop on Mutual Assistance and Extreme Events - provided the sharing of knowledge and experience with the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), which encouraged mutual assistance between grid operators, and was attended by electric companies from US and Europe.